The aim of this workshop called Advances in Mining Large-Scale Time Dependent Graphs (TD-LSG) is to bring together active scholars and practitioners of dynamic graphs. Graph models and algorithms are ubiquitous of a large number of application domains, ranging from transportation to social networks, semantic web, or data mining. However, many applications require graph models that are time dependent. For example, applications related to urban mobility analysis employ a graph structure of the underlying road network. Indeed, the nature of such networks are spatiotemporal. Therefore, the time a moving object takes to cross a path segment typically depends on the starting instant of time. So, we call time-dependent graphs, the graphs that have this spatiotemporal feature.
Important dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: June 11, 2018 (Extended)
Benjamin Steer, Alessandro Di Stefano, Richard Clegg and Félix Cuadrado. Building Distributed Temporal Graphs From Event Streams (pdf)
Morteza Alipourlangouri and Fei Chiang. KeyMiner: Discovering Keys for Graphs (pdf)
Io Taxidou, Peter M. Fischer and Martin Zablocki. A comparative study of social interactions and their combination in social media (pdf)
Workshop Program
8h50-9h00: Welcome
09:00-10:30 (am) - Session 1
9:00 - 9:45: Invited Talk 1: Tamer Özsu - An overview of graph analytics platforms9:45 - 10:30: Invited Talk 2: Wagner Meira Jr. - Scalability and Efficiency in Graph Mining10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 - Session 2
11:00 - 11:25: Talk 1: Benjamin Steer, Alessandro Di Stefano, Richard Clegg and Félix Cuadrado. Building Distributed Temporal Graphs From Event Streams11:25 - 11:50: Talk 2: Morteza Alipourlangouri and Fei Chiang. KeyMiner: Discovering Keys for Graphs11:50 - 12:15: Talk 3: Io Taxidou, Peter M. Fischer and Martin Zablocki. A comparative study of social interactions and their combination in social media12h15-12h30: Discussion
12:30-02:00 (pm) - Lunch break